See Postis in action.
Book a free, personalized demo.

Discover firsthand how the Postis platform can help increase revenue and customer satisfaction through streamlined delivery processes and enhanced customer experiences.

During this brief, 30-minute meeting, we will:

  • Discuss your delivery needs
  • Present the Postis solution
  • Answer your questions

Why choose Postis?

  • Fast, convenient, cost effective order fulfillment and delivery
  • Integrated click-to-door journeys that build customer loyalty
  • Automated shipping and returns, with end-to-end visibility and control

Trusted by global leading brands

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"We chose Postis because they have the most complex solution for distribution and delivery management and optimization. For us, it was important to improve the cost efficiency and process management, but it was crucial that the new technologies would allow us to simplify the customer journey, build new experiences for our customers and set a solid ground for future development. The Postis Platform allows us to do all these, with full control and agile deployment."

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Eduard Sîrbu
Logistic & Administration Manager, Intersport
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"In the last 3 years since we started the partnership with Postis, they brought their contribution to our success through logistics process streamlining, full control and best delivery option automation. More than EUR 600,000 were saved from our delivery budget, achieving at the same time a 25% customer satisfaction improvement, a 20% process efficiency improvement across the entire order to delivery journey and a significant diversification in delivery options."

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Cătălin Cîrnaru
Logistics Director Flanco

One platform, seamless last mile delivery


direct savings on delivery starting from month 1

25% growth

in customer satisfaction from improved delivery performance

20% less

refusals and returns with first time-right approach

Ready to take the next step?